Student Union of National Coalition Party (Tuhatkunta)

Tuhatkunta is Finland’s largest and clearly the most influential political student’s movement. We take great pride in representing the key issues that concern our politically active members.

These issues include economical and intellectual well being, as well as, the quality of higher education in particular. Tuhatkunta is an integral part of Kokoomus, the National Coalition Party. We are the voice of students within Kokoomus and we bring forth our party’s message to the students.

We actively draft initiatives for discussion and introduce new topics and thus offer our branches and members the actual possibilities of influencing in the policies of Kokoomus.


Each university in Finland has its own student union, and elections in these are held every two years. In the elections the students elect the future representatives for each union’s council. The council is the highest decision making body in the student union.

Our branches operate in all Student Unions in Finland.

Every fall all student unions sends their representatives to the annual meeting of the National Union of Finnish Students (SYL) , where a Chairperson and members for the Executive Board are elected. Traditionally, Tuhatkunta has always had a big representation in SYL.

Tuhatkunta’s Annual Congress elects the Chairperson every two years and the vice-chairpersons and the executive board every year. The Chairperson and our secretary general both work full-time at Kokoomus headquarters in Helsinki.

Tuhatkunta organizes annual events and seminars such as our Winter University in February.

Tuhatkunta and the National Coalition Party (NCP)

Tuhatkunta plays a very important paper in the National Coalition Party (NCP) and we have a permanent representative in the Party Leadership.

Furthermore, many former Tuhatkunta actives are in important positions in the party. For example, over half of our party’s parliamentary secretaries and assistants are or have been our members. In addition, Tuhatkunta has valuable contacts and good relations with our party’s MP’s and our MEP’s.

We are also substantially involved in many roles in every electoral campaign.

Higher education

Tuhatkunta’s key element on our agenda are affairs related with higher education. We firmly believe that high quality education is every individual’s fundamental right. We see that investing on education is money well spent on Finland’s future welfare. We also want to send out a clear message: Tuhatkunta promotes internationalization.

Social policy

Tuhatkunta operates to assure that the basic financial necessities needed for studying full-time are met on a national level. We believe in a fair student benefit system. We see this issue in a wider context; as a part of a general social policy reform. Bringing different generation’s views to the discussions around welfare policy and decision-making is a fundamental part of Tuhatkunta’s policy.

International relations

Our prime objective on the international level is to ease and increase student mobility in our sphere of influence. Tuhatkunta does not see Europe as the only interesting dimension in the internationalization process. Among being a member of CREAS, Tuhatkunta is a member of Nordens Konservativa Student Union (NKSU) as well.

Environmental policy

Tuhatkunta sees environmental education as a fundamental element on our movement’s agenda. Tuhatkunta speaks for clear-headed protection of the environment. In other words, we aim to point out the ways each and every one of us can influence on the present and the future status of the environment through the decisions we take.

From thesis to the real world

Being a member of Tuhatkunta can often be seen as voluntary work in favour of a more centre-right oriented Finland. Our strength derives from our spirit and from the hard work we do collectively.

Contact us

Töölönkatu 3 A, 4th floor
00100 Helsinki

Office email: [email protected]
Personal emails: [email protected]

Ms Henriina Rantala

Secretary General
Ms Asta Nieminen

International Secretary
Mr Sami Matikainen